Citizen Science

Adult Education Goes Online at the NC Arboretum

The Arboretum is opening a series of online Zoom-based classes to introduce you to different apps and ways of observing and documenting plants, animals, birds, constellations and other natural phenomena.

Upcoming Online Classes:

In May there are new Zoom-based classes all month long through Adult Education Programs. “Thursdays at 3,” series of free/by donation introductory classes. There will also be a virtual bookclub. The Forest Unseen: A Year’s Watch in Nature by biologist and award-winning author David George Haskell. Take a look at all the classes the NC Arboretum will be offering this month:

*BRN & BREG certificate students are eligible to receive a one-hour elective credit for each class.***

These classes will be recorded so you can access them anytime.