
Nature Notes

Nature Notes

River Otters and More at the West Fork

above photo credit:

by Linda Martinson                  
  Blue Ridge Naturalist

The West Fork of the French Broad River runs along the lowest part of Richland Ridge for about a mile, along the site of a former farm, in an area of about 100 acres. The lowest section along the West Fork is bottomland, basically a floodplain. There are three sections of West Fork bottomland in the lowland area of Richland Ridge, all of critical ecological importance because there are so few wetland areas left along the river: 

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Nature Notes

Nature Notes: Mountains and Fungi

October 2020

By: Linda Martinson

It is mid-October, and there is still a pandemic and a contentious election coming up. When I need to get a grip, I contemplate the mountains which gives me a soothing, this-too-shall-pass feeling. Here in Western North Carolina, we live in one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world: the Blue Ridge Mountains. They are 1.2 billion plus years old, but they are not very high because although they have been uplifted repeatedly, they also have been persistently eroding for millions of years.

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Nature Notes

Raccoons and a Late Summer Report

Nature Notes

by Linda Martinson

September 2020

We have been dueling with a raccoon lately. We had been moving the bird feeder at night from the deck to the screen porch, but one night a raccoon ripped a hole in a screen, came in, and helped himself. So we put the bird feeder in the house the next night, but that rascally raccoon came in again, pried open the cover on the big plastic seed container, and helped himself to a feast of seeds. Then we got a sturdier and bigger metal seed container with a very tight lid, and he pried that open, too! We were a little slow on the uptake, but the following night we put the seed container in the house. That night our resident raccoon knocked over a vase of flowers on the porch, but he hasn’t figured out how to get in the house yet…thankfully!

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