Membership Application

Download our Membership Application. Any questions? Please email:

By signing this form, I acknowledge that when visiting natural areas or engaged in outdoor activities, there is a risk that serious physical injury and personal property damage can occur. Risks include, but are not limited to, trips and falls, water hazards, severe weather conditions, dehydration, over-exertion and encounters with animals and poisonous plants. I agree to assume such risk, to exercise reasonable caution and to assume total responsibility for my own safety and well-being, and that of any person under my supervision, during activities coordinated by or on behalf of Blue Ridge Naturalist Network. I release, hold harmless and indemnify the Blue Ridge Naturalist Network, and its officers, members and agents from any legal responsibility and liability for all injuries or losses that I, or any person under my supervision, may experience as a result of participation in BRNN activities.

New Member/Renewal
Street Address:
The purpose of BRNN is to foster and promote knowledge of the natural world and environmental issues based on scientific observation and evidence in the Blue Ridge area of the Southern Appalachians. Please tell us about your interests.
Are you currently associated with the NC Arboretum’s Blue Ridge Naturalist Certification program as a
By signing this form, I acknowledge that when visiting natural areas or engaged in outdoor activities, there is a risk that serious physical injury and personal property damage can occur. Risks include, but are not limited to, trips and falls, water hazards, severe weather conditions, dehydration, over-exertion and encounters with animals and poisonous plants. I agree to assume such risk, to exercise reasonable caution and to assume total responsibility for my own safety and well-being, and that of any person under my supervision, during activities coordinated by or on behalf of Blue Ridge Naturalist Network. I release, hold harmless and indemnify the Blue Ridge Naturalist Network, and its officers, members and agents from any legal responsibility and liability for all injuries or losses that I, or any person under my supervision, may experience as a result of participation in BRNN activities.
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